Common item settings
The following explain the "Common item settings" in the "Email settings" page.
You can edit the "default_footer" that can be set for each email template, including the company name and the URL of your learningBOX.
01. Edit
You can create a new "default_footer" template or edit it.

▼Create new template
1. Click the "+" icon.
You can edit the template on the left and preview on the right.

2. Enter a template name.

3. Select a language from the list.
The list will be shown under the "Supported languages."

This "supported language" is linked to each user's language settings on the Manage users page.
*For more details, refer to Add user.
- When users' language is not selected, or not Japanese nor English: The "Common" template will be applied.
- When users' language is Japanese: The "Japanese" template will be applied.
- When users' language is English: The "English" template will be applied.
Enter text.
The "Revert" button allows you to go back to the default.

To add an item, select the item from the list at the top and click "Add."

5. The content you edit will be displayed on the preview page.

When all settings are completed, click "Create new."
▼ Edit
1. Click on the gear icon.

Refer to the step 2 to find how to edit a template.
When all settings are complete, click "Save."