Assign management role to group
Management role(s) can be set for groups. This allows you to set management role(s) in bulk.
Required permission
To assign management role(s) to a group, all of the following roles are required.

To veiw the management role for the group, only the role of Group manager(edit) is required.
01. Go to Manage users
Click on Manage users on the side menu.
02. Select group
Select the group from the list of groups on the left side of the page.
03. Click the icon
Click on the icon in the red frame below.

04. Assign role(s)
The following window will be displayed.
Select the role(s) on the left and set the permission(s) for each roles.
Save the settings.
All users belonging to the group will be assigned the set role(s) and permission(s).

05. Add/Remove users from the group
Users who are added to a group with management role(s) will have access to the role. Conversely, users who are removed from a group will lose their role(s).
06. Individual settings
After assigning role(s) to a group, you can assign other roles to individuals belonging to the group.
When a group already has the management role for the permission you are trying to assign to a user, the details will be displayed as shown below.
*The roles of Group manager(Edit for all users) + Role asigner are required.
e.g.) When Content manager(Edit for all content) have been set for the group to which the user belongs, the following window will be shown.

When you set permissions for an individuals and for a group to which the user belongs, the user will be assingned both permissions.
Assign Group manager to individuals
Assign Content manager(Edit) for groups
⇒ Group manager(Edit) + Content manager(Edit)
When users belonging to multiple groups, they will have roles assigned to each group.