Function test settings

Download speed and audio can be tested before learners start content.


Content manager (Edit)



01. Go to Manage content

Select Manage content on the side menu.
Right-click or click on the gear icon on the content, and select "Function test settings".

02. Setting page

The following window will be shown.

Create new template

Click "New" to create a new template with conditions.
*For more details, refer to Functional test templates.

Apply an existing template

To apply an existing template, select one from the list.
To edit the template, click "Edit."

Save the settings.

 User interface

The following explain the user interface.

01. Select a course

Go to Select a course.
When the content is selected, the following pop-up window will be shown.

Download speed test

Click the green button to check the download speed.

Audio test

Click the play button and check if you can hear the audio.

Device test result

The test result can be checked on the answer details.

01. Go to Select a course

Click on the Grade icon on the content which the device test is set to.

02. Test result

Results will be shown as follows.
*When the test is not set, the column will be left blank.
