Analyze scores

Here you can view the score board and ranking boad, and check your performance by question or tag.
*Grade analysis is only available in quiz content with Normal mode. It is not available in Master mode.
For more details, refer to  What is the difference between a quiz and exam?.


Grade manager


About the Grade Analysis Screen

01. Selection of analysis target

First, narrow down the grades to be analyzed at the top of the screen.
Select a content, group, or user status from the respective pull-down menus.
You can search by "Date range".
After completing the settings, click on "Analyze".

02. Selection of Analysis Method

The "Analyze scores" is divided into the following four types of analysis methods
Clicking on each tab toggles the screen display.

  • Tally board
  • Ranking
  • Summary by quiz
  • Summary by tag

Each of these is explained below.

Analysis methods

01. Score board

Users who have completed the study can check the status of their answers and the correctness of each question with numerical values and graphs.

02. Ranking

You can check each user's score and time required in a ranking format.

03. Summary by quiz

You can check the percentage of correct answers, the number of correct answers, and the correlation coefficient for each question.
You can also use "Bad quiz setting".
It allows values between -1 and 1 to be specified and defines a bad question if the correlation coefficient is below this value.
To identify a bad question, select from the pull-down menu and click "Analyze".
Questions defined as bad questions will be ticked in the "Bad Question" column.

04. Summary by tag

When section tags or question tags are set, the number of correct or incorrect answers and the percentage of correct answers for each tag can be checked.
*For more details about tags, refer to Tag.
