
Shortcuts of the existing content can be created.
There is no need to create/copy the same content again and again.
*Courses, folders and content are available for shorcut.


How to set

The following example describes a shortcut folder.

01. Go to Manage content

Select Manage content on the side menu.
Right-click or click the gear icon on the folder, and select "Create shortcut."

02. User interface

A shortcut is created.
Shortcut is marked with an arrow icon.


Creating content with shortcuts does not affect server capacity.
When the original content is edited, the changes will be also reflected.
*Content assignment and Access period will be customizable for each shortcut.
*Grades of the original content and shortcut will be saved separately.


Grades of the shortcut course/folder are connected.
When a learner takes a shortcut course/folder, the results of the original course/folder will also be reflected, and vice versa.
