Mail sending history
You can check the sending history of emails created with specified recipients, such as invitation emails and grade management notification emails.
You can also check the sent and scheduled e-mails separately.
Group Management Edit Authority, Grade Management Edit Authority, and Notice Management Authority
Check transmission history
01. Open the Mail Sending History screen.
In the side menu, select "Notifications" > "Email Sent History".
02. Displaying the Sent Screen
Open the "Sent" screen.
The following items will be displayed
- Registrant: The login ID of the email registrant will be displayed
- Subject: Displays the type and subject of the email
- Send start date and time: Displays the date and time the e-mail was sent.
- Sent Completed: Displays the number of emails that have been sent
- Transmission Errors: Displays the number of items that could not be sent due to an incomplete e-mail address, etc.
- Bounce occurrence: The number of emails that were sent from the system but did not reach the user is displayed
- Stopped sending: Shows the number of emails that have been automatically stopped when the bounce rate is high

The "Refine" button allows you to narrow down the emails to be displayed.
Please specify the conditions for "Mail Type" and "Sending Status" (*Multiple selections are acceptable).

03. Mail detail screen
Clicking on the subject line of each e-mail opens the detail screen of the sent e-mail.
Status and other information can be checked for each destination.

The "Refine" button allows you to narrow down the content to be displayed.
Please specify the status of the email (*Multiple selections allowed).

04. Mail content screen
Click on the subject line of each e-mail in the detail screen to see the actual contents of the e-mail sent.

Confirmation of transmission schedule
01. Open the Mail Sending History screen.
In the side menu, select "E-mail Notification" > "E-mail Sent History".
02. Display of the "Scheduled to Send" screen
Open the "Scheduled Transmissions" screen.
The following items will be displayed
- Registrant: The login ID of the email registrant will be displayed
- Subject: Displays the type and subject of the email
- Send start date and time: Displays the date and time when the e-mail is scheduled to be sent.
- Status: "Scheduled to be sent" is displayed
- Delete: Click here to delete an email that is scheduled to be sent.

The "Mail Type" allows you to narrow down the mail to be displayed.

Notices" will not appear on the "Scheduled Transmissions" screen.
03. Mail detail screen
Clicking on the subject line of each e-mail opens a detailed screen of the e-mail to be sent.
You can check the transmission status and other information for each recipient.

The "Sending Status" allows you to narrow down the emails to be displayed.

04. Change Email Template
On the mail detail screen, click on "Change" in the mail template, and the following pop-up will open.
The template can be changed from the pull-down menu.
Save the settings.

05. Change of transmission start date and time
On the mail detail screen, click "Edit" in the upper right corner to open the following pop-up window.
You can set the date and time to start sending by clicking on the blank space and selecting the date and time from the calendar that appears.
You can also reset the date and time settings by clicking "Clear" to save.

If you have added mail recipients in the mail template, a "+" icon will appear to the right of each recipient, and when clicked, the added recipients will be displayed.
*For more information about setting up the recipients of emails in the email template, please refer to the Email settings by admin.