Typing practice

You can create your original typing practice on learningBOX.
Also, time limit, passing score, difficulty level and more options can be selected.


Creation typing practice

01. Create a course

First, create a course.
*For more details, refer to Course/Folder.

02. Open the creation form

Click on the course you have created.
Click the "+" icon > Content > Typing > Create

03. Creation form

The creation form contains the following:

-Input mode
-Time limit
-Passing score
-Quiz orders
-Score magnification
-Font size
-How to pronounce

04. Add/Delete

To add a question, click on "+ Add."
Click "✕" to delete the question.
Click "Publish" in the upper right corner of the page to finish.

 User interface

The study screen will display the following

Upload typing practice

Typing practice you created can be uploaded.

01. Create a course

First, create a course.
*For more details, refer to Course/Folder.

02. Open the creation form

Click on the course you have created.
Click the "+" icon > Content > Typing practice > Upload

03. Settings

Enter a title.
Click on "Choose File" to upload your typing practice.
Save the settings.

Download typing practice

Created content can be downloaded.

01. Go to Manage content

Click on "Manage content" in the side menu.

02. Download

Right-click on the content or click the gear icon > Download

Re-upload typing practice

Re-uploading allows you to overwrite the typing practice that you have created.

01. Go to Manage content

Click on "Manage content" in the side menu.

02. Re-upload

Right-click on the content or click the gear icon > Re-upload

Edit typing practice

01. Go to Manage content

Click on "Manage content" in the side menu.

02. Edit

Right-click on the content or click the gear icon > Edit
