Upload file

You can create attachment to allow learners to download.

Upload attachment

01. Create a course

First, create a course.
*For more details, refer to Course/Folder.

02. Open upload window

Click on the course you have created.
Click the "+" icon > Content > Upload file

03. Settings

Enter a title of the attachment.
Enter a description if necessary.
Click on "Choose File" to upload the attachment.
Save the settings.


When learners download the attachment, the full filename may not be displayed depending on the device/browser.
Up to 70 characters including the file format are recommended to show the full filename.

 User interface

The study screen will display the following
Learners download and study the materials.

Download attachment

The created attachment can be downloaded.

01. Go to Manage content

Click on "Manage content" in the side menu.

02. Download

Right-click or click the gear icon > Download

Re-upload attachment

Re-uploading allows you to overwrite the attachment that you have created.

01. Go to Manage content

Click on "Manage content" in the side menu.

02. Re-upload

Right-click or click the gear icon > Re-upload