Tag Management
You can set any tag for products/seminars/training/curriculum.
By setting tags, it is possible to narrow down the display by tag on each listing screen.
The "Tag Management" screen is used to create/manage these tags.
*The "Tag Management" screen is opened by clicking on "Tag Management" in the side menu.
Create Tags
01. Open the Add Tag screen.
Click on "Add Tag" at the top of the "Tag Management" screen.

02. Settings
The following window will be displayed.
Enter a tag name and, optionally, a description of the tag, then click "Add".

Edit/delete tags
In the list of tags, click on the gear icon to the right of the target tag.
A pop-up to edit the category will open.
Note that the items to be edited are the same as those for creating a new file,Creating Tags.".
In the list of tags, click on the trash can icon to the right of the target tag.
A pop-up will open to delete the tag.
Confirm the contents and click "Delete".