Content allocation (operated by Content Management)
This function allows you to limit the number of users who can take content or courses/folders, either by group(s) or individual(s).
*The function here is,Manage usersIt can also be set by
Content manager(Assign)
01. Open Manage content
Select Manage content on the side menu.
Click the group icon on the content to assign it to group(s)/user(s).

02. Select a group(s)/user(s)
Select from the group/individual tab.
Group assignment
Tick the group(s) you want to assign the content to.
Groups can be searched in the search bar.
Click on "Select all" to select all users.
Save the settings.

Individual assignment
Tick the user(s) to assign the content.
You can search users by name/login ID/display name in the search bar.
Groups can be searched in the search bar.
Selected user(s) will be listed at the bottom.
Click "Cancel" to un-select the user.
Save the settings.

When already assigned:
On the "Individual assignment" tab, the user(s) who has already assigned to the content will be listed when you tick the "Assigned only."
When you untick the assigned user(s), the user's Sign-in ID will be listed at the bottom.
Click "Cancel" to reassign.
03. Icon
When the content is assigned, the icon will be blue.
Please read carefully the following information.
▼ When a folder in a course is assigned
When assigning a folder within a course to group(s)/user(s), be sure to tick the "Same assignment settings will be applied to the lower level folder" to show the content on the Select a course.
*When there are any content which has already been assigned, the settings will be overwritten by ticking the box.

▼ To assign only specific content within a course
When assigning specific content within a course, DO NOT assign the course to group(s)/user(s).

Click the course and assign content to group(s)/user(s).