Proctor report

You can check the information in the fraud monitoring log for the content for which fraud countermeasures have been set at a glance.
Detailed information about the examinee's operations during the exam and the photographs taken are also available, recorded in chronological order.


Grade manager



01. Open the Fraud Monitoring Log screen.

Open the Grades Management screen and select the "Fraud Monitoring Log" tab.

02. List view

Log information is listed for each grade the user has attempted.
Here, you can narrow down the display by specifying contents, users, etc. in the "Refined Search" at the top of the screen.
It is also possible to change the display order by using the "Sort by" pull-down menu.


The Fraud Monitoring Log does not show unlearned/learning grades.

03. CSV output

Click "CSV Export" on the right side of the screen to display the following pop-up window.
Tick the required fields and click "CSV Export".
You can download information on the list.

04. Details of Results

Click "Details" to the right of each grade to open the grade details screen.
*For more details, refer to  Grade details.

Here you can see a timeline of the candidate's operations during the exam and the photos taken.

It is also possible to change the contents of the fraud judgment.
Select "Other Operations" > "Change Fraud Determination" in the upper right corner, and the following pop-up will appear.
Select the content in the "Change in Fraud Determination" pull-down and enter the reason for the change, if necessary.


If you leave a comment in the "Reason for Change" column, the content will be reflected in the "Update History" tab.

05. Deletion of grades

To the right of the target grade, select ︙>Remove Grades.

You can also delete multiple grades at once by ticking the checkbox to the left of each grade and clicking on "Operate all selected grades at once" > "Delete".
