Note taking on questions

You can highlight or take notes on quiz/test questions.
This will help learners to solve problems more easily.


[QUIZ-6.5.0] or later, Manager role of Content manager (edit) for the settings



To use the notetaking function, go to the Manage contents page.

01. Create quiz/exam

Click "Contents" on the Dashboard or "Manage contents" on the side menu.
*For basic instructions on creating quizzes and exams,Create quiz/exam.

02. Requirements

All of the following conditions must be set
Select options in the Quiz/exam creation form.

ModeNormal mode
LayoutExam layout (Landscape)
Exam layout (Portrait)
Notes on the question (questions_memo)On

You cannot select Multiple choice in the Screen width setting (question_container_width) in Options.

User interface

The following explain the user interface.

01. Start content

Click on the Select a course on the Dashboard or the side menu.
Select a quiz/exam in which the option is set.

02. Tools

The following four icons are available.
Click on the icon which you want to use.

  • Pen: learners can leave handwritten notes.
  • Markers: learners can draw lines.
  • Eraser: learners can erase what they wrote or highlighted.
  • Remove all: Remove all contents written with a pen or marker in bulk.

▼ Pen

▼ Markers

Learners can take notes on the following items:

  • Question sentences
  • Section
  • Number of correct and incorrect answers
  • Tags

03. Remove tool

To finish taking notes, click on the Remove tool link.

04. When note is removed/remains

After submitting the quiz/exam or retry the content, the notes taken will not remain.
When learners pause the quiz/exam, their notes will be displayed after they resume it.

05. Notes on the review page

When a quiz/exam is completed, the result page will be displayed.
By clicking on the Review link, learners can review what they wrote.

When the option, Resume from the result screen, is activated, notes will also be displayed.


Notes will not be displayed on the grade details.

06. When screen size is changed

Notes may be displaced if learners change the screen size.
The following popup window will be displayed when the screen size is changed during the attempt.

▼ During attempt

▼ When suspended and resumed

When width of answer column is adjusted

Learners can adjust the width of the answer column even when they take notes on the questions.
Use the scroll bar to show the whole note.
