Account sign-up settings

You can set whether or not to allow users to unsubscribe, and you can set the settings for the registration of their own photo.
*This screen is opened by selecting "User Management" > "Registration Settings" in the side menu.


Group management editing privileges + settings page access privileges


Global settings

You can set whether or not to allow users to unsubscribe.
If you wish to allow it, please set the "Enable Unsubscribe" toggle to On and save.

User-side display

Once enabled, the Unsubscribe button will appear at the bottom of the "Change Profile" screen when logged in with the user's account.

photograph of the person himself

You can configure settings related to the user's identity photo.


Standard or higher plans, group management editing privileges (for all users) + settings page access privileges

01. Settings

Please select either "use" or "do not use.

02. Groups that use their own photo

Select the group for which you would like to use the person's photo.


If you want to allow users to register their own photo,User Permission Settings."Please set "Allow profile changes" to On in the

03. Detailed settings

Select whether the administrator will approve or automatically approve when a user registers/changes his/her photo.
Please tick the box for automatic approval.

When all settings are complete, click "Save" in the lower right corner of the screen.


The user's photo can be registered by either the user or the administrator.
However, the screen for registration is different.
