Sales management (for related parties)

The person concerned can check the detailed information about the order of the product/seminar for which he/she has been set as the concerned party.
Here, products/seminars are separated by tabs.
*This screen is opened by selecting "Sales Management (for related parties)" in the side menu.


Customization options, EC options, organizer/stakeholder, EC function access rights



01. Product Search

There is a search field at the top of the screen.
Here you can filter products according to code, title, or other criteria.

02. Listing of products

Products matching the 01 search criteria are listed at the bottom of the screen.
*The information can be exported by clicking on the "Export CSV file."

03. Check order history by product

Click the "Order History" button for each product to open the following screen.
You can check the status of your order here.
It is also possible to search based on "Order ID/Order Person" information or download the displayed contents from "CSV Output".


01. Seminar Search

There is a search field at the top of the screen.
Here you can narrow down the seminars according to code, title, and other criteria.

02. Listing of seminars

Seminars that match the 01 search criteria are listed at the bottom of the screen.
*The information can be exported by clicking on the "Export CSV file."

Check order status by seminar

01. Open the Order List screen.

On the "Sales Management (For Related Parties)" screen, click the "Details" button for each seminar to open the following pop-up window.
Please click here "Order List".
You will then see the "Order List" screen, where you can check the status of your orders for each seminar.

02. Check order status

In the upper right corner of the screen, you can see the number of seminars sold/seminars purchased.
You can also click on "Check Availability Number" to check the availability of seats for the seminar at the venue.

03. Order Retrieval

You can narrow down the orders to be displayed based on information such as order ID and the person who placed the order.

04. Listing of orders

Orders matching the 03 search criteria are listed at the bottom of the screen.
*The information can be exported by clicking on the "Export CSV file."

Manage attendance by seminar

For each seminar, the following operations are available

  • Ticket Confirmation
  • Attendance Management
  • Read QR for attendance


<Confirmation of Ticket

01. Open Ticket List screen

On the "Sales Management (For Related Parties)" screen, click the "Details" button for the seminar in question.
In the pop-up that opens, click on "Ticket List.

02. Ticket Search

You can narrow down the tickets to be displayed by ticket number, order ID, or other information.

03. Listing of tickets

Tickets matching the 02 search criteria will be listed at the bottom of the screen.
*The information can be exported by clicking on the "Export CSV file."

04. Confirmation of ticket contents

Click on the ticket icon in the list.

Ticket details will be displayed in another tab.

05. Printing a list of tickets

First, click the "Screen for Print" button to display the pre-print confirmation screen of the displayed list of tickets.

<Attendance Management

You can manage seminar attendance.
There are two ways to do this: individually or in batches.

▼ How to do it individually

On the "Ticket List" screen, click the gear icon to the right of the ticket in question and select "Change Attendance Status.

The following window will be displayed.
You can check "Current Attendance."
Please select your preference from the "Attendance after change" pull-down menu.
Click "Edit" to finish the settings.


For each ticket, a "memo" is available if there is content to be kept as a record.
Click on the gear icon for each ticket and select "Change Memo".
The following window will be displayed.

Click the "+" icon on each ticket to see the notes you have left.

▼ How to do it in batches

First, please tick the subject you wish to change the attendance status of.
Then click on "Collective action on selected items" and select "Change attendance".

The following window will be displayed.
The "Current Attendance" for each ticket is listed.
Please select your preference from the "Attendance after change" pull-down menu.
Click "Edit" to finish the settings.


If there is content to be kept as a record for multiple tickets, a "memo" is available.
First, please tick the subject you wish to leave a note on.
Then click on "Collectively work on the selected items" and select "Change Memo".
The following window will be displayed.

Click the "+" icon on each ticket to see the notes you have left.

<Reading QR for attendance

When the attendance status is "not yet accepted" or "absent", the status can be changed to "present" by reading the QR presented by the learner.
*If the attendance status is "present", the operation is not available.

▼ Procedure

On the "Ticket List" screen, click on "Read QR for Attendance.

A screen for reading QR will appear.
If the QR is successfully scanned, "Ticket Order Information" will be displayed.
Clicking "Change to Attendance" will change the status of your attendance.


You can change the camera by clicking the gear icon in the upper right corner of the QR reading screen.
The selected camera information will be carried over to the next and subsequent operations.


Operation on the learner's side

Learners who have purchased a seminar can display on their own screen the QR of the seminar whose attendance status is "Not Accepted" or "Absent".
*For more details, refer to Purchase history (learner side)"Please refer to "Displaying QR" in the following section.
