Filter users

You can specify items to sort users on the Manage users.


Group manager (Edit/View)


Select items to sort

01. Go to Manage users

Go to the Manage users.
Click on Filter.

02. Select items

The following window will be shown.
Tick the box(es) to sort users.
You can reset the specified condition by clicking on Remove condition.
Click on the search button.


Tick the status of users you wish to display.
*Multiple selections are available.

  • Valid
  • Invalid
  • Temporarily invalid
  • Rejected
  • Before approval
  • unenabled

For "Not Approved," "Not Approved," and "Not Activated" statuses, with a paid customization option subscription, Register for an required.

First Login Date

You can specify the condition of the first login date of the user to be displayed.

  • All periods
  • Specify a time period (click on the "Start Date" and "End Date" blanks and select the respective dates from the calendar).
  • No initial login