AI Report Analysis / AI Scoring
AI-based scoring is available.
This will help Grade manager reduce workload.
Grade manager (Edit)
AI report analysis
AI analyzes the submitted answer and assists in grading.
How to set
To use AI report analysis, settings will be required on the Manage content.
In the "Report Assignment Form," under "Grading Method," select "Scored by Administrator + AI Report Analysis.
*For more details, refer to Report assignment.
AI will assist you to grade on the Manage scores.
01. Go to Check grades
Go to the Manage scores and select the "Report" tab.
*You can access to the same page from the "List" tab on the Manage scores.
02. Grading
Click on the button in the red frame on the content which you want to grade.
03. Interface
On the scoring screen that opens, click the "AI Report Analysis" button.
AI will analyze the submitted answer as shown below.
Grade manager can use the result when grading.
04. Reanalysis
Click "Reanalyze report assignment" to retry.
05. Reflect feedback
By clicking "Reflect feedback content in the form," the AI analysis results will be reflected.
▼Similarity to mock answers
This will be reflected in the "Feedback to Learners" field.
▼ Rubric Evaluation
It will reflect the score/level and total score for each point of view.
When does AI analyze a report assignment?
When you tick "Use AI report assignment analysis" on the Manage content, AI will start analyzing once the assignment is submitted.
AI analysis in Excel
When you use AI and download an Excel file, the result of AI analysis will be automatically entered in the table.
*For more details, refer to Excel upload.
AI Grading
The AI analyzes the answers submitted by users and automatically performs everything from scoring and pass/fail decisions to feedback on grades.
How to set
To use "AI Scoring," you must first configure the settings when you create a report assignment on the Content Management screen.
Please select "AI Scoring" in the "Scoring Method" section of the "Report Assignment Form.
*For more details, refer to Report assignment.
When "AI Grading" is set, AI will automatically grade the assignment as soon as the user submits it, and the results will be fed back to the user.
The administrator can modify the grades later in the grade details screen.