Grade report assignment
This section explains how to grade a report assignment.
Graders can grade the submissions one by one or in bulk via an Excel file.
AI-based grading is also available.
Grade manager
Check grades
You can check the grades of report assignment in a list.
01. List of report assignments
Go to the Manage grades and click the "Report" tab.
02. Display mode
Select one from Scores/Import history.
- List: grades of report assignment will be listed.
- Import history: history imported in Excel will be listed.
*For more details, refer to Excel upload.

03. Sort
This section explains how to sort grades.
The following items are available:
- Content
- Content type
- Group/User
- User Status
- Date range
- No. of output
- No. of downloads

You can also choose to show all grades or report assignment waiting for grading.

04. Answer details
Click on "Details" to check the answer details.
Each grade can be deleted by clicking "Delete."
*For more details, refer to Grade details.
01. Grade one by one
Click on "Grading" on the result.
Enter the score, pass/fail, and select if you allow the learner to resubmit the assignment.
You can add feedback under the score.
Also, you can upload files related to the feedback.
*For more details, refer to File upload when feedback.

"Save as draft" allows you to save your entry as a draft.
When you save it as draft, the completion status will be Waiting for grading.
To finish grading, click "Complete grading."
02. Grade in bulk
You can grade report assignments in bulk.
*For more details, refer to Excel upload.
Grade by AI
AI-based grading is available.
This will help Grade managers reduce their workload.
*For more details, refer to AI report analysis/Grading.
Email notification
You can send notifications to Grade managers to ask grading submitted report assignments.
Notification history will be automatically saved.
*For more details, refer to Email notification.
Excel upload
Grades regarding report assignments can be exported to an Excel file or uploaded to learningBOX.
01. Create Excel file
Click on "Create Excel" to download the grades displayed on the page.
02. Open the Excel file
A table will be displayed as shown.
Enter the score, pass/fail, and select if you allow the learner to resubmit the report assignment.
Save the file.

AI report analysis
When AI report analysis is selected, the results will be displayed in Excel.
*For more details, refer to AI report analysis/Grading.
For report assignments which rubrics has been set, the information will be displayed on each sheet.
Enter each item including score, pass/fail, etc.

03. Import Excel
Click on "Import Excel" and select the file saved in #02.
When the file is uploaded, the grade data you entered will be reflected.
Grade managers can save grading as a draft.
Complete grading on the downloaded Excel file and upload it.
04. Import history
Select "Import history" on the Display mode, and the data will be listed.
You can specify the date range if necessary.

Download submitted answers
Submitted report assignments can be downloaded from Manage grades.
01. List of report assignments
Go to the Manage grades and click the "Report" tab.
02. Download
Click on "Download."
The data will be downloaded in a zip file.

Also, the latest downloaded date will be shown.