Grading status

Graders and Grade approver can check the state of progress and the assigned tasks.
This section explains Grade and approve/Grading status.


Grade manager (Edit/Grading/Approval)


Grade and approve

A list of grades for content that have been graded by the administrator or for which a grading workflow has been set up that is relevant as the operator's own task. This list is broken down by the number of cases per all content and the number of cases per each course/content.


Tick the box, "Show all," to show other content which is not assigned to you.


Clicking on each title will show you a list of submissions.
*For more details, refer to Submissions.

State of progress

State of progress shows the progress of each Grade manager.
Displayed content will be different depending on the management roles.

▼ Grade manager(Edit)
All Grade managers(Edit/Grading) will be displayed.

▼ Grade manager(Approval)
All Grade managers(Approval) will be displayed.

▼ Grade manager(Grading)
Only assigned content will be displayed.

The state of progress can be exported to a CSV file by clicking on "CSV Export."


Click the magnifying glass icon at the top of the page.
Select items and click on "Search."
*The items will be different depending on the management roles.

Bulk upload grades/Import history


Grade manager (Edit/Approval)

Bulk upload grades

Submissions can be graded in bulk. Click "Search" and select a course you want to grade. Next, click "Excel Download" and edit the file. Upload the edited file from "Bulk upload frades."

Import history

Import history of Excel files can be viewd.

Grading workflow

You can configure settings related to the grading workflow.


Role of the Grade manager (Edit all users & content)

*For more details, refer to Grading workflow.
