Add exemption

You can add exemption by using the form or uploading a CSV file.




01. Go to Manage exemption

Click on "Add exemption."

02. Select user and content

Select user(s) and content to set exemption.

▼ Users
Tick the user(s) in the list.
*You can also search users in the search window.

  • Multiple users can be selected
  • Users whose status is "invalid" will not be displayed
  • Only users assigned to the Grade manager will be listed.

▼ Content
Tick the content to exempt.
*Use the search window if necessary.

  • Only content assigned to the Grade manager will be listed.
  • Multiple content can be selected.

Upload CSV file

01. Download template

Click on "Set CSV" in the upper left corner of the screen.
Click "Download."


The same content code is not available.
Specify the content from Add exemption button.

02. Enter CSV

Open the downloaded CSV file.
Enter the login ID of the user to be exempted and the content code.
*For more information about content codes, refer to Appearance.

03. Upload CSV file

Go back to learningBOX.
Choose the CSV file you created to upload.

04. Confirm

When uploaded, the following page will be shown.
Confirm the information and click on "Register."
*You can exclude content from registration by un-ticking the box.

Interface on Management exemption

The created exemption will be listed as shown below.
