Content list

The following explain the functions which can be set on the Manage content.


Access level

You can set the duration to open the course/content.
This function can be set from the gear icon on each content.

*For more details, refer to  Menu by content, "Access period."

Limit attempts

You can limit attempts for each content.
*This function cannot be set to courses/folders.


Content manager (Edit)

01. Open the setting page

Select Manage content on the side menu.
Click on the Limit attempts icon on the content.

02. Settings

The following two settings are available

▼Limit attempts
You can set the number of times learners can take the content.
Select from 1 to 10 times.
When you allow them to learn as many as they want, select "Unlimited."

▼ Interval limit (hours)
You can set the interval limit between the attempts.
Set from 1 to 8784 hours. 
e.g.) 24 hours → Enter "24" in the field.
Leave "0" when you do not set any interval limit.

03. Icon

When attempts are limited, the color of icon will be blue.

Assign course/content

This function allows you to limit the number of users who can take content or courses/folders, either by group(s) or individual(s).
(This feature can also be configured in User Management.)

*For more details, refer to Content Allocation (operated by Content Management)".

Access period

You can set the duration to open courses, folders, and content to learners.
Group(s) and All users can be selected.

*For more details, refer to   Access period.


Click on the gear icon or right-click on each course, folder or content.
Detailed menu will be listed.

*For more details, refer to  Menu by content.
