
This page explains how to select panels to display on the Dashboard.



Depending on the roles, displayed buttons will be different.
*For more details, refer to  Management roles .

01. Admin

All panels will be shown.

02. Users assigned role(s)

Each button will be shown depending on the roles.
e.g.) "Contents" will be shown when you are a Content manager.

03. Users with no roles

Only "Select a course" and "Scores" will be shown.




*When finish editing, click "Save" in the upper right corner of the page.

01. Dashboard settings

Click on "Edit."

02. Add items to display

Click on the green button in the red square.

03. Select panels

Select panels to add on the dashboard.
Click "Add new."

Items will be different depending on your contract.

[New curriculum/New training]
Customization option contract is required.

[New product/New seminar]
EC option contract is required.

Panel settings

01. Button panel

Any button panel can be added.
-Titles, icons, URLs, text color and more options can be customized.
-Select users to show each panel.
-Click "Add" to add a new panel.
*Up to four panels can be added.

02. Total study hours, consecutive days of study, expiration date, and number of badges earned

Information on study status can be displayed.
Set the title and icon for the panel.


 Manage badges allows you to select the requirements to show the items on the Acquired badges from below:

  • Show only badges set to the currently assigned content
  • Show all badges set to the deleted/previously assigned content

03. Notification panel

Notices can be displayed.
Set the number of items to be displayed in the Title, Icon, and Notices sections.
Also, notifications from learningBOX provider can be shown depending on the user settings you specify.

04. Time

The most recent learning status can be displayed in a graph.
You can set a title and icon, and specify the duration to display on the graph.
The graph format and color are selectable.
*When "Line chart" is selected, boldness of the line and dots, colors can be specified.


Newly arrived courses and courses which is expiring can be displayed in a list.
Set the title, display criteria, completion status of the course to be displayed, specify the category to which the course belongs, and the number of courses to be displayed.

06. Contents List

When the Access period is set to content or the deadline is expiring within 31 days, a reminder including up to 20 cases can be displayed on the Dashboard.

Enter a title.
Select an item to display: the end date of the Access period/the deadline ot the submissions.

The conditions for content to be displayed are as follows:

-Content with the Access period or submission deadline that has been assigned to the user with the status of Not attempted/In progress/Fail.
*Content with exemption is not eligible.


If the time is overlapped for a single content, the items will be as follows:

  • Start date: Most past date and time
  • End date: Most future date and time

The order of contents when the end date and time are the same is as follows.

  • Same course: order of contents within the course
  • Different course: by name of course

When a course is expired before the end day of the content, learners cannot select the content after the date.

07. Schedule

You can display Schedule on the Dashboard.
Set the title and icon for the panel.

08. Curriculum list, training list

You can view a list of curricula/training programs based on the criteria indicated.
Set the title, display criteria, filter criteria, designation of the category to which the curriculum or training belongs, designation of the instructor or organizer, display format, and number of items displayed.

09. List of products and seminars

You can view a list of products/seminars based on the display criteria
Set the title, display criteria, filter criteria, designation of the category to which the product or seminar belongs, designation of the lecturer or organizer, display format, and number of items displayed.

How to edit a panel

01. Edit panel

Click on the "︙" icon to edit, duplicate or delete.

02. Check the page on smartphone

Click on the "Mobile" tab.
Customize the layout and size of panels for smartphones.
