How to create a valid CSV file for batch user registration/update
This page explains the input rules for each item in the CSV file when registering/updating multiple users in bulk.
*For more details on the batch registration/update, refer to Batch user registration/update.
Group manager(Edit)
Rules to create valid CSV files
When you download a CSV file, item names will be shown in each column of the first line.
In the second and subsequent lines, enter the user information.
*Enter information for one user account per line.

▼Basic Information
Enter the following items to register.
- Login ID
- Name
- Display name
- Department
- Position
- Email address
- Password
▼Receive an E-mail about the release of the announcement notification
You can set whether the user receives unimportant notification emails.
Enter "On" to receive, or "Off" to not receive.
*If you left blank, it will automatically be set to "On."
▼ Country/Region of Residence
Screen Display Format | CSV input value |
Japan | Japan |
Iceland | Iceland |
Ireland | Ireland |
Azerbaijan | Azerbaijan |
Afghanistan | Afghanistan |
United Arab Emirates | UnitedArabEmirates |
Algeria | Algeria |
Argentina | Argentina |
Albania | Albania |
Armenia | Armenia |
Angola | Angola |
Antigua and Barbuda | AntiguaAndBarbuda |
Andorra | Andorra |
Yemen | Yemen |
Israel | Israel |
Italy | Italy |
Iraq | Iraq |
Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Iran |
India | India |
Indonesia | Indonesia |
Uganda | Uganda |
Ukraine | Ukraine |
Uzbekistan | Uzbekistan |
Uruguay | Uruguay |
Ecuador | Ecuador |
Egypt | Egypt |
Estonia | Estonia |
eswatini | Eswatini |
Ethiopia | Ethiopia |
Eritrea | Eritrea |
El Salvador | ElSalvador |
Australia | Australia |
Austria | Austria |
Oman | Oman |
The Netherlands | Netherlands |
Ghana | Ghana |
Cape Verde | CaboVerde |
Guyana | Guyana |
Kazakhstan | Kazakhstan |
Qatar | Qatar |
Canada | Canada |
Gabon | Gabon |
Cameroon | Cameroon |
The Gambia | Gambia |
Cambodia | Cambodia |
Guinea | Guinea |
Guinea-Bissau | GuineaBissau |
Cyprus | Cyprus |
Cuba | Cuba |
Greece | Greece |
Kiribati | Kiribati |
Kyrgyzstan | Kyrgyzstan |
Guatemala | Guatemala |
Kuwait | Kuwait |
Grenada | Grenada |
Croatia | Croatia |
Kenya | Kenya |
Côte d'Ivoire | CoteD'Ivoire |
Costa Rica | CostaRica |
(Federal Islamic Republic of the) Comoros | Comoros |
Colombia | Colombia |
Congo | Congo |
Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire) | DemocraticRepublicOfTheCongo |
Saudi Arabia | SaudiArabia |
Samoa | Samoa |
Sao Tome and Principe | SaoTomeAndPrincipe |
Zambia | Zambia |
San Marino | San Marino |
Sierra Leone | SierraLeone |
Djibouti | Djibouti. |
Jamaica | Jamaica |
Georgia | Georgia |
Syria | SyrianArabRepublic |
Singapore | Singapore |
Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe |
Switzerland | Switzerland |
Sweden | Sweden |
Sudan | Sudan |
Spain | Spain |
Suriname | Suriname |
Sri Lanka | SriLanka |
Slovakia | Slovakia |
Slovenia | Slovenia |
Seychelles | Seychelles |
Senegal | Senegal |
Serbia | Serbia |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | SaintKittsAndNevis |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | SaintVincentAndTheGrenadines |
Saint Lucia | Saint Lucia |
Somalia | Somalia |
Solomon Islands | SolomonIslands |
tai (species of reddish-brown Pacific sea bream, Pagrus major) | Thailand |
Tajikistan | Tajikistan |
Tanzania | UnitedRepublicOfTanzania |
Czech Republic | CzechRepublic |
chad | Chad |
Tunisia | Tunisia |
Chile | Chile |
Tuvalu | Tuvalu |
Denmark | Denmark |
Germany | Germany |
Togo | Togo |
Dominica | Dominica |
Dominican Republic | DominicanRepublic |
Trinidad and Tobago | TrinidadAndTobago |
Turkmenistan | Turkmenistan |
Turkey | Turkey |
Tonga | Tonga |
Nigeria | Nigeria |
Nauru | Nauru |
Namibia | Namibia |
Nicaragua | Nicaragua |
Niger | Niger |
New Zealand | NewZealand |
Nepal | Nepal |
Norway | Norway |
Bahrain | Bahrain |
Haiti | Haiti |
Pakistan | Pakistan |
Panama | Panama |
Vanuatu | Vanuatu |
Bahama | Bahamas |
Papua New Guinea | PapuaNewGuinea |
Palau | Palau |
Paraguay | Paraguay |
Barbados | Barbados |
Hungary. | Hungary |
Bangladesh | Bangladesh |
Fidji- | Fiji |
Philippines | Philippines |
Finland | Finland |
Bhutan | Bhutan |
Brazil | Brazil |
France | France |
Bulgaria | Bulgaria |
Burkina Faso | BurkinaFaso |
Brunei | BruneiDarussalam |
Burundi | Burundi |
Vietnam | VietNam |
Benin | Benin |
Venezuela | Venezuela |
Belarus | Belarus |
Belize | Belize |
Per- | Peru |
Belgium | Belgium |
Poland | Poland |
Bosnia-Herzegovina | BosniaAndHerzegovina |
Botswana | Botswana |
Bolivia | Bolivia |
Portugal | Portugal |
Honduras | Honduras |
the Marshall Islands | MarshallIslands |
Macau | Macao |
Madagascar | Madagascar |
Malawi | Malawi |
Mariology | Mali |
Malta | Malta |
Malaysia | Malaysia |
Federated States of Micronesia | Micronesia |
Myanmar | Myanmar |
Mexico | Mexico |
Mauritius | Mauritius |
(the Islamic Republic of) Mauritania | Mauritania |
Mozambique | Mozambique |
Monaco | Monaco |
Maldives | Maldives |
Moldova | RepublicOfMoldova |
Morocco | Morocco |
Mongolia | Mongolia |
Montenegro | Montenegro |
Jordan | Jordan. |
Lao People's Democratic Republic | LaoPeople'sDemocraticRepublic |
Latvia | Latvia |
Lithuania | Lithuania |
Libya | Libya |
Liechtenstein | Liechtenstein |
Liberia | Liberia |
Romania | Romania |
Luxembourg | Luxembourg |
Rwanda | Rwanda |
Lesotho | Lesotho |
Lebanon | Lebanon |
Russian Federation | RussianFederation |
United Kingdom | UnitedKingdomOfGreatBritainAndNorthernIreland |
Korea | RepublicOfKorea |
Hong Kong (China) | HongKong |
Equatorial Guinea | EquatorialGuinea |
Taiwan | Taiwan |
Central African Republic | CentralAfricanRepublic |
China | China |
Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) | DemocraticPeople'sRepublicOfKorea |
East Timor | Timor-Leste |
South Africa | SouthAfrica |
South Sudan | SouthSudan |
United States of America | UnitedStatesOfAmerica |
North Macedonia | NorthMacedonia |
▼ Language
Screen Display Format | CSV input value |
Japanese (language) | ja_JP |
Indonesian | id_ID |
Urdu (language) | ur_PK |
Khmer language | km_KH |
Spanish | es_ES |
Thai (language) | TH_TH |
Tagalog (language) | tl_PH |
German (language) | de_DE |
Hindi | hi_IN |
French (language) | fr_FR |
Vietnamese (language) | vi_VN |
Portuguese | pt_PT |
Burmese (language) | my_MM |
Russian (language) | ru_RU |
English (language) | en_US |
Korean (language) | ko_KR |
Chinese (Simplified) | zh_CN |
Chinese (Traditional) | zh_TW |
▼ Time Zones
Screen Display Format | CSV input value |
Tokyo Standard Time (UTC + 09:00) | Asia/Tokyo |
E. African Standard Time (UTC + 03:00) | Africa/Nairobi |
E. European Standard Time (UTC + 03:00) | Europe/Sofia |
E. 南アメリカ標準時 (UTC - 03:00) | America/Sao_Paulo |
FLE Standard Time (UTC + 03:00) | Europe/Helsinki |
GTB Standard Time (UTC + 03:00) | Europe/Bucharest |
Azerbaijan Standard Time (UTC + 04:00) | Asia/Baku |
Afghanistan Standard Time (UTC + 04:30) | Asia/Kabul |
Arabic Standard Time (UTC + 04:00) | Asia/Tbilisi |
Arabic Standard Time (UTC + 03:00) | Asia/Baghdad |
Arab Standard Time (UTC + 03:00) | Asia/Kuwait |
アルゼンチン標準時 (UTC - 03:00) | America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires |
Israel Standard Time (UTC + 03:00) | Asia/Jerusalem |
Iran Standard Time (UTC + 03:30) | Asia/Tehran |
Indian Standard Time (UTC + 05:30) | Asia/Kolkata |
Ulaanbaatar Standard Time (UTC + 08:00) | Asia/Ulaanbaatar |
Egyptian Standard Time (UTC + 03:00) | Africa/Cairo |
Australia Eastern Standard Time (UTC + 10:00) | Australia/Melbourne |
Greenwich Mean Time (UTC) | UTC |
Caucasus Standard Time (UTC + 04:00) | Asia/Yerevan |
Samoa Standard Time (UTC + 13:00) | Pacific/Apia |
Syrian Standard Time (UTC + 03:00) | Asia/Damascus |
Singapore Standard Time (UTC + 08:00) | Asia/Singapore |
Sri Lanka Standard Time (UTC + 05:30) | Asia/Colombo |
Turkish Standard Time (UTC + 03:00) | Europe/Istanbul |
Namibia Standard Time (UTC + 02:00) | Africa/Windhoek |
New Zealand Standard Time (UTC + 12:00) | Pacific/Auckland |
Nepal Standard Time (UTC + 05:45) | Asia/Kathmandu |
Pakistan Standard Time (UTC + 05:00) | Asia/Karachi |
パラグアイ標準時 (UTC - 04:00) | America/Asuncion |
Belarus Standard Time (UTC + 03:00) | Europe/Minsk |
Macau Standard Time (UTC + 08:00) | Asia/Macau |
Myanmar Standard Time (UTC + 06:30) | Asia/Yangon |
モンテビデオ標準時 (UTC - 03:00) | America/Montevideo |
Jordan Standard Time (UTC + 03:00) | Asia/Amman |
Russian Standard Time (UTC + 03:00) | Europe/Moscow |
Romance Standard Time (UTC + 02:00) | Europe/Paris |
Korea Standard Time (UTC + 09:00) | Asia/Seoul |
Hong Kong Standard Time (UTC + 08:00) | Asia/Hong_Kong |
Western European Standard Time (UTC + 02:00) | Europe/Amsterdam |
West Central African Standard Time (UTC + 01:00) | Africa/Lagos |
Western Asian Standard Time (UTC + 05:00) | Asia/Ashgabat |
Western Pacific Standard Time (UTC + 10:00) | Pacific/Guam |
太平洋南アメリカ標準時 (UTC - 04:00) | America/Santiago |
Taiwan Standard Time (UTC + 08:00) | Asia/Taipei |
Central Asian Standard Time (UTC + 06:00) | Asia/Dhaka |
Central European Standard Time (UTC + 02:00) | Europe/Budapest |
Central Pacific Time (UTC + 11:00) | Pacific/Noumea |
China Standard Time (UTC + 08:00) | Asia/Shanghai |
Middle East Standard Time (UTC + 03:00) | Asia/Beirut |
中部標準時(メキシコ) (UTC - 06:00) | America/Mexico_City |
Southeast Asia Standard Time (UTC + 07:00) | Asia/Bangkok |
South African Standard Time (UTC + 02:00) | Africa/Harare |
南アメリカ西部標準時 (UTC - 04:00) | America/Manaus |
南アメリカ太平洋標準時 (UTC - 05:00) | America/Bogota |
南アメリカ東部標準時 (UTC - 03:00) | America/Cayenne |
▼ Date Format
Screen Display Format | CSV input value |
2022-07-27 | YYYYY-MM-DD |
July 27, 2022 | YYYYY year M year D day |
2022/07/27 | YYYYY/MM/DD |
27/07/2022 | DD/MM/YYYYYY |
07/27/2022 | MM/DD/YYYYYY |
27/Jul/2022 | DD/MMM/YYYYYY |
Jul/27/2022 | MMM/DD/YYYYYY |
▼ Time format
Screen Display Format | CSV input value |
22:08:42 | HH:mm:ss |
22:08:42 | H hour mm minute ss second |
10:08:42 pm | hh:mm:ss a |
▼ Status
Enter the information.
*If left blank, it will automatically be set to "Valid."
- Valid
- Invalid
- Temporary suspended (*Available only for renewal, can be specified)
▼Due date type
Please enter the following information for each of the deadline types.
*Only for the expiration date, please enter "expiration date".
- Unlimited
- From the first login date
- From the creation date
- effective date
Valid days/due date
Enter valid days/due dates in addition to the Due date type.
If you select From the first login date or From the creation date, enter the number of days valid.
If you select Validity period, enter the expiry date in the format of "YYYY/MM/DD."
*When Unlimited is selected, no entry is required.
▼Belong to
You can specify whether to add or remove group which the user belongs to.
*For more details, refer to Add/remove groups that users belong to by CSV.
▼Management roles
You can assign management roles to users.
*For more details, refer to Assign management roles by CSV.
When you register a few users on learningBOX first, it will be easier to edit a CSV file.
You can download the file from Batch operation (CSV) > Download users