Per Content
You can check the grades per content according to your management role.
You can specify the duration/items to sort, and export the data via a CSV file.
*For more details, refer to Management roles.
Grade manager
01. Click Per content tab
Click on the "Per content" tab on the Manage grades page.
*It can also be accessed from "Grading and Analysis" > "By Content" in the side menu.
02. Interface
The assigned courses will be listed.
You can search courses and folders from the list.

03. Show specified content
Click an item to view the detail.
The details will be displayed.

04. Sort
To search content, specify the items and click the blue button.
05. Grade
According to the conditions set in #04, the results will be displayed.
The following tabs will be shown.
▼ Summary by user
Each learner's answers will be displayed.
▼ Answer details
In addition to each learner's answers, time spent and more details will be shown.
▼ Operation logs
History of user operations will be displayed per question.
*For questionnaire, only the "Summary per user" and "Answer details" will be displayed.
Select items to show
Items regarding grades can be selected to show in the content page and a CSV file.
*To specify items on the Per content page, refer to Interface.
01. Select item
Click on "Select item."

02. Items
Tick the items to display.

03. Change order
Drag and drop the item to change the order.
04. Others
The following two settings are available.
Tick to the box if necessary.
- Show search condition in CSV
- Show HTML tag in CSV
Save the settings.
CSV Download
You can export grade data per content via a CSV file.
*To specify items on the Per content page, refer to Interface.
To specify items to display in CSV, refer to Select items to show.
01. CSV Download
Select a tab to download data.
Click on "CSV Download" after selecting items.

Force scoring of quiz/exam
When there is a paused quiz/exam, the Grade manager can forcibly score the content.
*"Restart/resume" option is required for this action.
*For more details on creating quizzes/exams, refer to Create quiz/exam.
Grade manager (Edit)
For this action, the learner's user status must be Active/Temporarily suspended.
01. Create quiz/exam
Create a quiz/exam with the option of "Restart/resume."
02. Go to "Per content"
In the side menu, select "Manage grades" > "Per content"
03. Click Force submission
Click "Force Scoring" in the red frame in the below image.

04. Popup window
The following window will be displayed.
To grade each user, click "Scoring."
To score all paused content, click "Score all."

05. Results
When content is forcibly scored, unanswered questions will be regarded as incorrect, and
will be recorded in the learner's grade.
Force submission of questionnaires
When there is an incomplete questionnaire, the Grade manager can force the learner to submit it.
*For more details about creating a questionnaire, refer to Questionnaire.
Grade manager (Edit)
For this action, the learner's user status must be Active/Temporarily suspended.
Force submission is only available for questionnaires created using the Questionnaire creation form.
01. Create questionnaire
Create a questionnaire in the Manage content.
02. Go to "Per content"
In the side menu, select "Manage grades" > "Per content"
Select the content you created in the step 01 and click "Force submission".

04. Execute
The following window will be displayed.
Tick the boxes and click on "Execute."
You can also narrow your search by using the search field in the upper right corner.

05. Results
After the execution, completed answers will be saved while unanswered questions remain.
will be recorded in the learner's grade.