Settings for recruitment examinations
The following are some of the settings that should be kept in mind before conducting a recruitment test using the learningBOX.
*To use this service, you need to purchase the optional fee-based Customizationcontract is required.
Preparation of selection documents
First, prepare a resume/resume and an entry sheet assignment as selection documents.
These should be created in the report assignment and should also be set up regarding the grading process and notification upon completion of the course.
Access restriction to the grade will be also helpful to hide the results to them right after the grading.
Report assignment
Grading workflow
Session notification
Publication Settings
Creation of appropriate tests
Create questions for the Basic Knowledge Assessment and the Personality Diagnostic Assessment.
Basic Knowledge Assessment
The Basic Knowledge Assessment is created with "quizzes and tests".
The learningBOX offers 13 different types of questions, which will perfectly fit your needs.
Question types
How to create questions
It can also use AI to automatically generate courses and questions.
Generate a course with AI
Automatic generation of questions
This also should be set up regarding the grading process and notifications upon completion of the course.
Access restriction to the grade will be also helpful to hide the results to them right after the grading.
Anti-Fraud Measures
Measures can be implemented to prevent fraud during the examination, such as impersonation of examinees and cheating.
Specifically, the following three settings are available
- Facial authentication: AI authenticates examinees before the exam to preventing impersonation.
- Browser monitoring: warns and can force termination of the test if full screen is released, another tab or browser is moved, or the mouse pointer is moved to a different monitor during the test
- Photo capturing: Examinees' behaviors during the exam will be captured and stored.
Facial authentication and photo capturing require a Standard or above plan.
*For more details, refer to Pricing.
Motivate examinees
Badges and certificates provide examinees with verified their successful completion and qualifications.
Evaluate and motive examinees for their next goals.
Settings for registration and management of examinees
Candidate Registration Information
You can set what items are used as information about the examinee.
Settings for input items during registration
Settings for profile items after registration
Basic settings
Email Settings
Settings related to screen transitions, such as TOP page, etc.
Site Design Settings
Set the design of the learningBOX according to the recruitment test to be conducted.
You can change the logo, the design of the top page, and the wording of the side menu, etc.
For example, the wording of the "Choose a course" section, where candidates answer the selection task, can be customized to "I will take the test," etc.
Terms of Use Settings
You can set up the system to require candidates to agree to the Terms of Service prior to conducting the recruitment test.
Settings related to integration with the core system
Setting up various information for collaboration
Set up the items used to identify users/groups and content.
Single Sign-On Settings
Please check which standard is supported by your core system before linking.
Information about users and grades can be linked via API.
You can also set which page to display after logging out.
External system integration
Third Party Apps
Page after sign-out
Examination Guidelines/FAQ/Inquiry Form
Publish and maintain examination guidelines, FAQs, and contact forms.
The operation differs depending on the method of publication.
Examination Guidelines
To be prepared on the learningBOX side
Work with the official website
▼ FAQs
To be prepared on the learningBOX side
Cooperation with other SaaSbe just about to
▼Contact Form
Work with the official website
Consideration of server load
If the tests are to begin simultaneously at the same time, the number of simultaneous accesses should also be considered.